Friday, September 15, 2017

First 3 Weeks of University

Hello everybody,

I finally found some time after 3 weeks of classes to write a little bit for y'all! My schedule is actually really great:

8:00 - 9:15 Teaching Technologies

9:30 - 10:45 Survey course of African American Literature till 1920
11:00 - 12:15 Woman in the South
14:30 - 15:45 Major African American Writers: Malcolm, Martin and Barack

8:00 - 9:15 Teaching Technologies

9:30 - 10:45 Survey course of African American Literature till 1920
11:00 - 12:15 Woman in the South
14:30 - 15:45 Major African American Writers: Malcolm, Martin and Barack

On Fridays I do not have classes. Which sounds really relaxing, until you see the syllabus for every class. As I have 3 literature courses I have to read a lot each week and with a lot I mean about 40 to 100 pages per class. So I use most Fridays to catch up a little bit with classes and start writing my papers for the midterms which are already in about two weeks.

Of cause the football games were something I was really looking forward to and i did not get disappointed, so far we won our fist two games and I hope Ole Miss will do good tomorrow in California in their first away game.
The Wiz Khalifa concert which was on the 24th of august was a big highlight. Of cause it was for free for all Ole Miss students. The two rappers who were on stage before Wiz, were really disappointing and everybody was getting bored and annoyed. But after waiting for what seemed like forever Wiz got on stage and everybody got happy again! All in all it was a great show and something that my University in Germany would have never gotten to organise.
Next weeks I have my first exams in some classes so I have study a lot these next few days. All classes are very interesting and the teachers just seem so happy to be doing their job and are really exited to have us internationals be there.
The days here are passing by really fast and I can't believe that I have been living here for over one month! It is crazy to thing that 1/4 of my time here is over, but I'm looking forward to the next weeks here and to the new experiences. I am especially exited for my birthday which is in two weeks.

This is it for now, hopefully I will find the time to write some posts more regularly!

xoxo Anna

Sunday, August 20, 2017

First Week in Mississippi

Hello everybody,
the past few days have gone by so fast. There were so many events and appointments... a big highlight was our trip to Walmart! Everybody ended up with so much stuff, that we were not sure how to get it home. I think we ended up spending two hours there and a total of $185. Therefore, big thanks to my roommate Bri who cam and picked it all up!
As the classes have not started yet the campus is still empty and the Rebel market and other places are not open as usual. All of us really enjoy going there, as its an All You can Eat and the choices they give you are awesome. Normally they offer you: Burgers, Pizza, Sushi and southern comfort food. All these choices make it hard for me to decide as everything tastes good.
On Friday night my roommate and I decided to go to the bars at the square in Oxford. I wouldn't have thought that so many people would be out there. Most girls were really dressed up and were wearing heels, so I was kinda underdressed with my sneakers and jeans. Bri said I really needed to try the slushy Daiquiri drink and I ended up getting a "Gummy Worm". Even though it gave me a big brain freeze and I couldn't really test what was in it, I finished it. As the bars close as 1 here the night ended pretty fast and we went to Cook Out to grab some food before going to sleep.
Many people are probably questioning have we get from point A to point B, as we exchange students do not own a car. Either you are lucky and know an American person who is kind enough to take you in their car or you simply have to take the bus. The third option and the one I mostly use is Uber. Till now my Uber experience was really great, the drivers were friendly and we always got to our destination safe.
On Saturday we went for a trip to Memphis. First we went to the Civil Rights Museum. The layout of it is just amazing and you could easily spent 4-5 hours in it if you want to look at every single thing they have in there. Afterwards we went to a Mall, where I found a backpack that I was desperately looking for. We also went to an International Market. I did not buy anything german there because I thought it was unnecessary. But most anion exchange students went crazy and bought a lot. 
The last days were a little bit more quiet. Today we went down the Jackson Avenue to look at all the shops. We spent about 2 hours at Rebel Rags. It is crazy how many things they have there. They have everything from Ole Miss household things to clothing. It was so hard not to buy everything I saw there. In the end  bought two spirit jerseys and a tshirt. 

This was everything for now.

Greetings from sunny Mississippi!